a dividing line for decorative purposes

Health and Safety


To download the FEF’s guidance to new electronic payment methods please click on the following button:

New Payment Methods

If you would like to download a copy of the FEF guide ‘MID Summary’, please click on the following button:

MID Summary

To download the FEF’s guidance to retailers and maintenance companies on weights and measures compliance of forecourt equipment please click on the following button:

Weights & Measures


The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 were introduced just over a year ago, providing a parallel to the existing legislative controls on Petrol Filling Stations.  More recently, LACORS have revised standard petroleum licensing conditions. 

General guidance L138 from HSE books www.hsebooks.com

The UK HSE have published on its Website a review of current safety passport schemes. 


For further information see ‘Dispensing Petrol – Health & Safety Executive HS(G) 146

HMSO ISBN 0-7176-1048-9


Code of Safe Practice for Retailers Managing Contractors Working on Petrol Filling Stations

£54 (discount for APEA members)

ISBN 0 85293 2240 5

Booklet produced by the Institute of Petroleum (now the Energy Institute) for UKPIA

Available from Portland Customer Services sales@portland-services.com

Code of Safe Practice for Contractors Working on Petrol Filling Stations

£54 (discount for APEA members)

ISBN 0 85293 1.94 8

Available from Portland Customer Services sales@portland-services.com

Site design: Maria Taylor